Oops I did it again. Last night after picking my daughter up from an entire day out of manicures, lunching & Black Friday Mall-ing with her posse of camp friends, she and I decided to grab dinner; Thai food at Aja Noodle Company. Sometimes I wish I could be more like my 13 year old daughter. She recently got braces on her teeth and she knows she can only eat soft foods. She's been living on soups and she knew that's what she'd be ordering at the restaurant. She accepts it. She doesn't stray from it. She's a smart girl. She also only eats when she's hungry. When she's full, she pushes the plate away. She doesn't have echoes of, "There are children starving in third world nations," ringing in her head. Now, I'm a smart girl! Really, I am! And I know I've got so many digestive issues. Really, I do. But sometimes my brain chooses to completely ignore that and look 180 degrees the other way. As I looked over the menu and saw all kinds of savory dishes loaded with things I know my stomach can't handle, I knew I should just order some soup broth and a fresh spring roll and call it dinner. But I eat so blandly all the time that I just want

ed something a little more fun; more adventurous.
So, when the server came over, my evil twin took over, didn't miss a beat and ordered veggie pad thai. It was so good... for about 20 minutes. Why do I do this to myself? We went home and I was impaired for the rest of the night. All the churning makes me so tired too that all I wanted to do was go to sleep. Was there oil in the sauce? Probably. Was it the peanuts? Probably. Were there additives that I don't even know about? I haven't a clue except I should have known better than to order anything with more than 3 ingredients. #&!*@! I need a do over!
Note to self: Listen to my gut.
Acceptance: Restaurants are not my friend.
Mantra: Think more like my daughter.
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